Here is a very interesting lens which is most likely quite rare. The brass lens looks like it was modified at the factory to have the POCO shutter built into it. Their is no writing on the lens body itself. Based on its size I would think it originally went on a 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 or an 8x10 camera. The focal length of the lens is approx 12 inches. There is no diaphragm and the lens body is slotted for waterhouse stops behind the shutter. It does not come with any stops. The glass is clean and clear. The shutter is quite early and I found a very good webpage dedicated to this shutter. It says it was the original earliest version of the POCO shutter made by Gundlach. It is hard to see as its behind the bar on the top but it does say POCO on it. This one might be earlier then the ones on the page at it does not have any info like Patent Applied For on it. The shutter does fire. It is a little finicky and fires on the higher speeds but sticks on the slower speeds. Its a great lens all ready for display on your antique camera. The height of the lens is approx. 3 1/4" and the diameter of the flange is approx. 3 1/8". Check out my other auctions for more vintage cameras and lenses. I can combine shipping on multiple purchases. Buyer pays shipping. Here is the website address if you want to read more about the shutter. Powered by SixBit's eCommerce Solution