Melles Griot electronic shutter. Numbers from catalog - could't find exactly this model - however data is correct. Shutter size - type 3. Mounting male thread M63.5 x 0.85. Female thread ( both front and back ) is M59.6 x 0.64 (I don't think it's really metric). Mounting flange which you can screw on back male mount thread - distance between screw holes - 76mm. Shutter opening - 42mm. There is iris / aperture - but no iris lever. On back side - there is threaded brass thingy - you can make your own lever and attach it here. X-sync connector with wires soldered - maybe you would prefer to remove these - you need big soldering iron hot enough for that. Shutter control cable - ground wire interconnected with X-sync. You might want to rewire it too with some standard connector. Power is marked 48v - I didn't try to actuate it electrically - only manually with lever.